Tony Willis
Clinical Director for Diabetes
Tony has twenty years of experience in general practice in inner-city West London, and seven years’ experience in leading innovation and improvement across North West London. He was a Diabetes UK Clinical Champion from 2017-2019, and has spoken at numerous diabetes and digital conferences.
He is passionate about improving outcomes for people living with diabetes or at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
His focus is on two main areas:
- Supporting patients make improvements in health and wellbeing. He has led the development and launch of the North West London REWIND programme, as well as being a strong advocate of low carb and intermittent fasting approaches.
- Making use of digital technology to support patients more effectively. Know Diabetes is the result of this passion. It provides patients with a reliable web source of information, the opportunity to receive targeted email and text support for their condition and diabetes records access.
You can read Tony's blogs for Know Diabetes here.

Ian Reddington
Programme Manager – Digital Lead Diabetes
Ian joined at the start of the project and is particularly interested in digital healthcare, behaviour change, physical activity and weight loss. He has over 15 years of experience in the National Health Service, Public Health, and healthcare consultancy. Ian’s main interest is to improve population health using digital channels. He leads the implementation and operations of digital features including the website, integration, CRM, and digital health marketing tools.
The implementation of the Know Diabetes programme is Ian's 4th diabetes project.
You can read Ian's blogs for Know Diabetes here.

Buchi Reddy
Senior Transformation Quality Improvement Lead
Buchi started as the Programme Manager and Clinical Lead in 2017 and then acted up as the Deputy Programme Director for the NWL Diabetes Transformation Programme until April 2020. He is a Healthcare Public Health and Population Health Specialist (UK) and trained as a GP with a special interest in diabetes, with a diploma in diabetes and obesity (UK) and a PG level training in Internal Medicine and a PG Diploma in clinical nutrition from India.
His special interest is to support the BAME groups and children and young people with diabetes (Type 1 & 2) working alongside NHSE, Diabetes UK, JDRF, DRDF and the APPG for Diabetes in the Houses of Parliament.
Buchi is currently working towards completing his MBA.

Nithan Chandrakumar
Digital Campaign Manager
Nithan is an expert in web development and digital campaigning technologies both in public and private sectors which make this position very much fulfilled. He also has advanced knowledge in 2nd and 3rd-line technical support as he has worked as a Senior IT technician at NHS for more than 5 years.
He enjoys being part of the team which allows him to support the diabetes population in Northwest London but also helps him to support his Dad who has type 2 diabetes.

John Shanko
Project Officer
John works in the Diabetes Transformation Programme as a project officer and is involved with the development and design of the programme’s digital platforms. He is interested in the impact of digital innovations within the health sector and digital health marketing.