
Most of us feel low or worried at times, but living with diabetes can affect your mood more.

Below are some signs that you may be depressed:

  • feeling sad or tearful
  • not being interested in or enjoying activities
  • feeling hungry all the time or going off your food
  • having trouble sleeping or sleeping more than normal
  • feeling restless or tired
  • feeling useless, hopeless or guilty
  • having trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • thinking about hurting yourself or feeling like life is not worth living

If you are experiencing any of these feelings for most days over two weeks, try talking to a friend or loved one or see below for some links for more information on self help. Or you can go to see your GP or tell your diabetes professional.

The recommended treatment for clinical depression includes some of the self help options listed below, and may also include antidepressant medication. See your GP to explore all of the options that are right for you.

Diabetes and mood

This is an “Information Prescription” on “Diabetes and mood. The guide covers what makes people feel low.

You can print this off and show it to your GP, so both of you can agree actions you can take including a follow-up date to review how things are going.

NHS Moodzone

The NHS’s online “Moodzone” has tips and advice to help boost your mental health,

Therapies offered in North West London

Talking to someone about how you feel – and how diabetes affects you – can help.

You can either ask your GP about talking therapies or contact the service directly. Services available in North West London are:

Taking care of your mental health is easier when you can connect. Help us to help you