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Fatima Type 2 lost 15 kg through lifestyle changes
Gary Type 1 climbs his Everest
Ian Type 2 cuts carbs and turns his life around
Patrick Type 2 walks to better health
Surinder Type 2 comes off medication
Denis Type 2 diagnosed whilst being treated for heart and kidney failure
Martin Type 2 How apps changed my life
Type 2 & Tech
Mindu Type 2 gets active
Lyn Type 2 healthier Caribbean food
Harjinder Type 2 gets help
David Type 2 feels great after weight loss
Evina Type 2 reduces her carbs
Barry Type 2 beats smoking
T.Willis can Type 2 be reversed
Transforming diabetes care in NWL
Tony Willis welcome
People at risk of type 2 diabetes
Aoife's story: Kidney care for all
Samji's story: Kidney care for all