Diabetes 10 Point Training for all healthcare professionals and staff working in health and social care settings
NHS staff members who completed one of the Diabetes 10 Point Training courses

An informed workforce is fundamental to patient safety and good care. The prevalence of diabetes in hospitals, mental health settings, care homes and community nursing team caseloads is high. It is therefore essential that all frontline staff working in health and social care in a ‘patient or client-facing role’ have access to diabetes training that is relevant to their work setting and job role.
Selecting the right course, there are 4 courses to choose from depending on your job role. Staff working across acute, mental health, community and social care sectors may benefit from taking more than 1 course.
This training is offered to all staff including nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants, pharmacists, allied healthcare professionals, mental health nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, activity coordinators, carers, dieticians, community nurses, podiatrists – to name a few.
Nurses: the courses are Royal College of Nursing (RCN) accredited and will count towards 1 hour of your CPD training. Your personalised certificate will be available to download upon completion of the course
How long does it take to complete?
It can take up to 1 hour to work through the course. You don’t have to complete the course in one go. You can complete the programme in small sections and your progress will be saved. Just log out and when you log back in you can continue where you left off.
Professor Gerry Rayman, Diabetes Consultant – The Diabetes Centre, Ipswich Hospital, Diabetes UK’s Inpatient Clinical Lead and GIRFT (Getting it Right First Time) Co-lead for Diabetes says:
“It is inevitable that everyone delivering health care will encounter someone with diabetes in their day-to-day work. It affects nearly 1 in 10 adults, 1 in 6 of those over the age of 65 years and 1 in 5 inpatients.
In the majority of cases, diabetes is a co-morbidity. However, if not appropriately managed, it could result in acute life-threatening complications of Hypoglycaemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State. There is also a high risk of life-threatening limb and foot disease.
Although diabetes management can be complex, there are some very basic yet important aspects of care that every health care professional should be aware of which, if applied, will prevent these acute complications. The Diabetes 10 Point Training Programme presents these in a straightforward and engaging way. If all health care professionals were to deliver these basic principles of diabetes care to their patients with diabetes, a lot of suffering and mortality could be prevented”.
Promotional Materials
Please see the downloadable resources below for more information for both commissioners and staff:
Training for all staff in health and social care - Information For Commissioners
Training for all staff in health and social care - Information For Staff
Diabetes 10 Point Training Leaflet
Free Diabetes Training for Staff and Healthcare Professionals working in health and social care
Online Courses
Click below to view our course videos