Lovely to see you here
Have a scroll around your Know Diabetes account and discover what interactive features are available to you today.
eLearning hub
Knowledge is power. Get the power by enrolling in the NEW Know Diabetes eLearning courses. Boost your knowledge, you can dip in and dip out when you like, and fit it around your lifestyle.
Ask the experts
There is no such thing as a silly question when it comes to our health. Ask our expert panel about anything about diabetes or how you improve your health.

Share your story
Everyone has a unique story to tell and we'd love to hear yours. We share real stories from people in NWL.

Weekly weigh in
If you have, or are at risk of, type 2 diabetes and want to lose weight - why not join our popular Weekly Weigh In? We’ll email you every Monday for 4 weeks with tips to help you stay on track.

Recipe of the week
Get some inspiration for healthier eating with our Recipe of the Week. A new recipe will be emailed to you every Friday for 12 weeks. There is also a low carb version that you can choose.

Foot Health Quiz
Having healthy feet is important for your overall health and wellbeing. Take our foot quiz to find out how well you know your feet and to learn our top tips for everyday foot care.

KDS Step Challenge
Research shows tracking our steps is a great way to get ourselves to walk more. Get started with our 1-day step challenge.

Latest Blogs
Every month we update our blogs with interesting new content from NHS professionals, people living with diabetes, and others.

Programmes and Courses
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